International Conference on Security and Defense Studies

3rd - 4th December 2025,
New York, USA

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


3rd November 2025

Final Paper Submission

8th November`2025

Registration Deadline

18th November`2025

Conference Date

3rd - 4th December 2025,

Call For Paper

Advances in international security studies
Alliances, institutional design, and the determinants of military strategy
Case studies
Civil wars and their impacts of international area
Critical concepts in military, strategic, and security studies
Critical security studies
Current and common security problems
Defence and national security studies
Defence and security strategic studies
Defense and Strategic Studies
Defense strategy and capabilities
Democratic peace theory
Force, nuclear proliferation, military strategy, intelligence and distribution of resources
Geopolitical intelligence, economic, political, and military strategic forecasting
Global security
Hard power and soft power studies
Intelligence, security and strategic studies
International human security
International security