International Conference on Humanity, History and Society

1st - 2nd September 2025,
Florida, USA

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


2nd August 2025

Final Paper Submission

17th August`2025

Registration Deadline

17th August`2025

Conference Date

1st - 2nd September 2025,

Call For Paper

Administrative Sciences
Applied Social Modeling and Simulation
Area Studies (African, American, Asian, European, Hispanic, Islamic, Jewish, Middle Eastern,
Russian, Women\'s and all other cultural and ethnic studies)
Behavioral and Psychological Sciences
Business Information Management
Business Information Systems
Business, Economics, Management and Marketing
Business, Finance and Tourism Management
Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Communication and Information Technologies in Social Sciences
Communication, Communities and e-societies
Communities and Communications
Complex Socio-Cognitive-Technical Systems
Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences
Computation and Social Networks
Computational Methods in Social Science