International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology and Microbial Enzymes

21st - 22nd August 2025,
Biskra, Algeria

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


22nd July 2025

Final Paper Submission

27th July`2025

Registration Deadline

6th August`2025

Conference Date

21st - 22nd August 2025,

Call For Paper

Microbial biotechnology
New approaches to microbial biotechnology
Microbial biotechnology for production of chemicals and pharmaceuticals
Recent advances in biochemical techniques
Microbial physiology, metabolism and gene expression
Biocatalysts, synthetic biology and biotechnology
Biotechnological production of new bioactive molecules, biomaterials, biopharmaceuticals, and biofuels
New imaging techniques and biosensors
New biotechnological approaches in genomics, proteomics and metabolomics
Metabolic Engineering, biomolecular engineering and Nanobiotechnology
Structure of microbes, prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Microbial enzymes
Bacterial transformation
Cloning and expression techniques
Fusion proteins
Microbial proteins
Food products
Energy production in bacteria
Therapeutic proteins
Field applications of recombinant microorganisms
Using microbes against other microbes