International Conference on Solar Energy and Energy Efficiency
(ICSEEE -25)

30th - 31st August 2025,
Bali, Indonesia

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


31st July 2025

Final Paper Submission

5th August`2025

Registration Deadline

15th August`2025

Conference Date

30th - 31st August 2025,

Call For Paper

Energy efficiency and energy
Renewable, green and alternative
The impact of climate change
Cogeneration and distributed
Smart grid and electric metering
Integrated building automation and energy management
Lighting efficiency
Hvac systems and controls
Thermal storage and load
Boilers and combustion controls
Solar and fuel cell technologies
Applications specific to federal energy management programs
Energy project financing success
strategies and incentives
Energy-efficient technologies
Integrated building automation and energy management
Renewable, green and alternative energy
Combined heat and power,
cogeneration/distributed generation Solar and fuel cell technologies
Applications specific to federal energy management programs
Efficient lighting including led/solid-state technologies
Lighting controls and smart lighting systems
Boilers and combustion controls