International Conference on Buddhist Studies and Philosophy of Religion

17th - 18th June 2025,
Zurich, Switzerland

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


18th May 2025

Final Paper Submission

23rd May`2025

Registration Deadline

2nd June`2025

Conference Date

17th - 18th June 2025,

Call For Paper

Buddha and Tao Philosophy
Buddhism and Phenomenology
Buddhism and Social Engagement
Buddhism and Social Justice
Buddhism Cosmology
Buddhism in the Changing World
Buddhism in the modern world
Buddhism, business and economic relations
Buddhism, Christianity and Philosophy of Religion
Buddhism, Humanities and Ethnographic Methods
Buddhism, Neuroscience and Mental Health
Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health
Buddhism: present-day state and prospects
Buddhist Affirmations of Human Rights
Buddhist approach in Jurisprudence
Buddhist Manuscript Cultures
Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation Practies
Buddhist Philosophy and Praxis
Buddhist Philosophy for Peace
Buddhist Philosophy of Language
Buddhist Philosophy, Soteriology, and Culture
Buddhist Psychotherapy
Buddhist Studies as a Discipline and its Role in the Education
Buddhist Studies, Philosophy of Religion