International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management

12th - 13th June 2025,
Hamburg, Germany

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


13th May 2025

Final Paper Submission

28th May`2025

Registration Deadline

28th May`2025

Conference Date

12th - 13th June 2025,

Call For Paper

Intellectual Property Brands and Branding
Finance, Economics and Hedge FUNDS
Insurance and Takaful
Managing Risk, Corporate Social Responsibility
Accounting, Banking Control & Supervision
Internet Banking and Emerging MARKETS
E-Commerce and Entrepreneurship
Sustainable Development
Technology Transfer and Management
Supply Chain Management
Networking and Outsourcing
Marketing and MARKET entry
Human Capital, Creativity & Innovation
Disaster Management
Venture Capital and Private Equity
Leadership, Total quality control in business
Hospitality Management
New Product Development