International Conference on Aircraft and Aerospace Structural Design

23rd - 24th June 2025,
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


24th May 2025

Final Paper Submission

29th May`2025

Registration Deadline

8th June`2025

Conference Date

23rd - 24th June 2025,

Call For Paper

Aircraft Structural Design
FRP and Advanced/Novel Materials
Computational Methods in Aircraft Structural Design
Computer Based Design Methods for Aircraft Structures
The Role of Novel Materials in Aircraft Structural Design
Novel Design Standards for Aircraft Structures
Airframe Structural Design
Load Case Characterization of Aircraft Structural Design
Topology Optimization in Aircraft and Aerospace Structures Design
Aircraft Structural Design and Stress Analysis
Multilevel optimization in aircraft structural design
Wing Structural Details
Fatigue Analysis and Design
Vibration Theory
Static Aeroelasticity
Dynamic Aeroelasticity