International Conference on Energy Forecasting and Planning
(ICEFP -25)

12th - 13th June 2025,
Manila, Philippines

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


13th May 2025

Final Paper Submission

28th May`2025

Registration Deadline

28th May`2025

Conference Date

12th - 13th June 2025,

Call For Paper

Energy forecasting
Energy forecasting methods
Probabilistic energy forecasting
Forecasting in multiple energy systems
High dimensional wind and solar power forecasting
Load forecasting with temporal and/or geographic hierarchies
Combination methods for energy forecasting
Hierarchical energy forecasting
High-dimensional energy forecasting
High-frequency and high-resolution energy forecasting
Equipment failure prediction
Power systems fault prediction
Automatic outlier detection
Load profiling
Customer segmentation
Customer churn prediction