Call For Paper
- Entrepreneurship
- Business ethics and entrepreneurship ethics
- Corporate and strategic entrepreneurship
- New economy, new jobs and new life
- Entrepreneurial universities
- Entrepreneurship and growth
- Entrepreneurial finance and venture capital
- Entrepreneurship and regional development
- Entrepreneurship and governmental support
- Entrepreneurship and intellectual property
- Entrepreneurial culture
- Entrepreneurship and gender
- Entrepreneurial learning
- Communities of practice
- Entrepreneurship and ethnic minorities
- Entrepreneurship and sustainability
- Entrepreneurial finance
- Entrepreneurial marketing
- Family business
- Financing the new entrepreneurship
- Franchising
- Global trends of technological growth
- Green entrepreneurship
- Innovation and technological entrepreneurship
- International entrepreneurship
- Marketing for high tech start-ups
- New prospects in entrepreneurship
- Spin off processes and knowledge transfer
- Social and community entrepreneurship
- Studies of new businesses
- Teaching new entrepreneurship
- The role of universities in fostering entrepreneurship
- Other areas of entrepreneurship