International Conference on Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics

14th - 15th April 2025,
Namur, Belgium

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


15th March 2025

Final Paper Submission

20th March`2025

Registration Deadline

30th March`2025

Conference Date

14th - 15th April 2025,

Call For Paper

Atom -Surface Interactions
Biological Physics
Biological Systems and Liquid Crystals
Computational physics of material
Computer Simulation in Soft Matter
Correlated Electrons
Electronic Structure and Phonons
Energy Materials
Experimental Techniques and Devices
Functional Phase Transition Physics
Graphene and carbon physics
Intermetallic Alloys and their Surfaces: Structure, Properties and Applications
Liquids and Complex Fluids
Liquids, Glasses and Amorphous Systems
Local Structures of Functional Materials
Low temperature physics
Magnetism and spintronics
Magnetism including Spintronics
Materials for energy
Matter under Extreme Conditions
Metamaterials, photonics and plasmonic
Nanoscale physics and technology
Nanoscale Physics at Low Temperatures
Neutron Spectroscopy
Nonlinear Dynamics Complexity and Synchronization
Novel Materials
Phase Transitions
Polymer Physics
Quantum Fluids and Solids
Quantum Gases
Quantum Interfaces
Semiconductor physics and devices
Soft condensed matter and biophysics
Soft Condensed Matter including
Solid State Physics
Statistical physics
Strongly correlated systems
Structural Studies of Nanomaterial
Surfaces and Interfaces
Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films
Surfaces, interfaces, and thin film
Theory of condensed matter
Transport Properties