International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Robotics

9th - 10th April 2025,
Lisbon, Portugal

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


10th March 2025

Final Paper Submission

15th March`2025

Registration Deadline

25th March`2025

Conference Date

9th - 10th April 2025,

Call For Paper

Robot perception and sensing
Robot learning and adaptation
Robot cognition and reasoning
Robot control and motion planning
Human-robot interaction
Multi-robot systems and coordination
Autonomous robots and intelligent systems
Robot localization and mapping
Robot navigation and path planning
Reinforcement learning for robotics
Swarm robotics and collective behavior
Soft robotics and compliant mechanisms
Bio-inspired robotics and evolutionary algorithms
Robotic manipulation and grasping
Robot vision and image processing
Robot ethics and social implications