International Conference on Development Economics and Public Policy
(ICDEPP -25)

12th - 13th March 2025,
Athens, Greece

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


10th February 2025

Final Paper Submission

25th February`2025

Registration Deadline

25th February`2025

Conference Date

12th - 13th March 2025,

Call For Paper

Development economics
Global development economics
Economic aspects of the development process
Methods of promoting economic development
Economic growth
Structural change
International development
Policies and practices
Mathematical methods
Inter-temporal optimization for project analysis
Quantitative and qualitative methods
Theories of development economics
Economic nationalism
Post theories
Linear-stages-of-growth model
Structural-change theory
International dependence theory
Neoclassical theory
Economic development and ethnicity
The role of ethnicity in economic development
Economic development and its impact on ethnic conflict
Recovery from conflict (civil war
Growth indicator controversy
Recent developments