World Conference on Education, Research and Policy

28th - 29th March 2025,
Mopti, Mali

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


26th February 2025

Final Paper Submission

3rd March`2025

Registration Deadline

13th March`2025

Conference Date

28th - 29th March 2025,

Call For Paper

Global Issues in Education and Research

Education, Research and Globalization

Organizational, legal and financial aspects

Digital Rights Management

Diversity issues and women and minorities in science and technology

Barriers to Learning (ethnicity, age, psychosocial factors)

Role of education in creating the information society and technology

Student Support in Education

Increasing affordability and access to the Internet

Government Policy issues

Intellectual Property on Education

Education: New Trends and Experiences

Higher and Further Education

Primary and Secondary Education

Enhancing learning and the undergraduate experience

Education practice trends and issues

Transferring disciplines

Assessment of student learning

Examination Policies and grading methods

Tutoring and Coaching

Student Selection Criteria in interdisciplinary studies

Research: New Trends and Experiences

International projects and innovations

Engineering Research Centres

Research on Technology in Education

Research in international context

Integration of cross-cultural studies in curriculum

Research on Innovational aspects of society

Research Methodologies

Academic Research Projects

Links between Education and Research

University/Industry/Government collaborative partnership in research

New Challenges in the Higher Education Area: Internationalisation and Globalisation

Students and Teaching staff exchange programmes

The Bologna Declaration implementation

Erasmus experiences in the universities

ECTS experiences

New challenges for the European Higher Education Area

University Networks

International projects and innovations

Joint-degree programmes

E-learning and Virtual Innovations

E-learning projects and experiences

E-learning Pedagogical strategies and tactics


Developing e-learning methods for specific fields

New trends for online laboratory experimentation

Online laboratories

Integrated and flexible learning


Blended Learning

Computer based Collaborative Work

Virtual environments innovations

Virtual Learning Environments experiences

Virtual universities

Electronic library and information seach skills

Technologies and Methodologies applied to Education and Research

Experiences in New Learning Innovations

Advanced Classroom Technology

The internationalization of Universities

Technological experiences in virtual universities

Role of advanced technology centers

Learning and Teaching Methodologies

Web classroom applications

WebLab Systems

Classroom and Laboratory: Integration

Transferable skills

Complimentary skills programmes

Technology, Software and Games in Education and Research

Educational Software experiences

Internet based technologies (blogs)

Computer software on Education

Educational/Serious Games

Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia

Animation and 3D systems

Simulation and Remote Control
