International Conference on Communication Software, Service and E-Health

24th - 25th March 2025,
Tianjin, China

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


22nd February 2025

Final Paper Submission

9th March`2025

Registration Deadline

9th March`2025

Conference Date

24th - 25th March 2025,

Call For Paper

Web Services and distributed SW technology
Distributed systems and applications, including Grid Services and Cloud Services
Home Network Service Platform
Mobile Services and Service Platforms
Service Creation, Delivery, Management
Quality of Experience QoE for End-to-End Communications
Context Awareness and Personalization
Communications Software Engineering – Methods and Tools
End-to-end Quality of Service software Routing algorithms
Intelligent Network Management
Service Security and Privacy and Authentication
Charging, Pricing, Business Models
Sensing of Vital Signs and Signatures
Wearable Medical Wireless Sensors,
Energy Saving for Long Time Monitoring
In-Body Medical Sensors Communications
Molecular Sensor Communications
eHealth oriented Software Architectures Agent, SOA, Middleware, etc.
Autonomic Diagnosis and Situation Awareness Fall, Activity, etc.
Context Awareness and Autonomous Computing for AAL Ambient Assisted Living
Health and wellness Measurement, Monitoring and Intervention
Security, Trust and Privacy