International Conference on Sport Psychology, Arousal and Performance

1st - 2nd February 2025,
Surabaya, Indonesia

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


2nd January 2025

Final Paper Submission

17th January`2025

Registration Deadline

17th January`2025

Conference Date

1st - 2nd February 2025,

Call For Paper

Sport psychology
Personality characteristics and sporting behaviour
Research into traits and sporting behaviour
Personality development and sport
Social development and sport
Gender and sport
Sport as an influence on social development
Attitudes to sport
Aggression and sport
Individual differences in sporting aggression
Social factors in sporting performance
Groups and teams
Social facilitation
Negative effects of team membership
Attention, concentration and thought management
Mental preparation for training and competition
Child and adolescent development and sport Participation
The relationship between arousal and performance
The relationship between anxiety and performance
Stress management
Motivation and sport
Counterfactual thinking
Pathological motivation and sport
Skill acquisition and expertise
Research methods in sport psychology