International Conference on Forecasting Economic and Financial Systems
(ICFEFS -25)

20th - 21st February 2025,
Patiya Upazila, Bangladesh

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


21st January 2025

Final Paper Submission

5th February`2025

Registration Deadline

5th February`2025

Conference Date

20th - 21st February 2025,

Call For Paper

Data preprocessing methods
Data decomposition methods
Seasonal adjustment methods
Detrending methods
Turing point detection methods
Direct filter approach
Empirical mode decomposition
Singular spectrum analysis
Forecasting models
Econometric models
Time series models
Artificial Neural Networks
Evolutionary Algorithms
Swarm Intelligence
Rough Sets and Fuzzy Systems
Kernel based Learning and SVM
Bayesian models