International Conference on Ecological Economics and Research

10th - 11th February 2025,
Granada, Spain

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


11th January 2025

Final Paper Submission

26th January`2025

Registration Deadline

26th January`2025

Conference Date

10th - 11th February 2025,

Call For Paper

Ecological economics
Post-growth economics
Principles and applications of ecological economics
Historical development of economics and ecology
Sustainable scale, fair distribution, and efficient allocation
Ecosystems, biodiversity and ecological services
Valuation, choice, and uncertainty
Natural resources
Ecosystem services and environmental quality
Development, consumption and well-being
Power, politics, institutions and the reality of achieving change
Business models and understandings of human behavior
Balancing the scale
Rethinking economics and redefining progress
Social and environmental justice
Solving real problems
Ecological economics education
Practice and communications
Planning, policy and strategies for resilience