International Conference on Robotic and Mechanical Self-Replication
(ICRMSR -25)

31st - 1st February 2025,
Manchester, UK

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


1st January 2025

Final Paper Submission

16th January`2025

Registration Deadline

16th January`2025

Conference Date

31st - 1st February 2025,

Call For Paper

Robotic self-replication
Classes of self-replication
Self-replicating computer program
Self-replicating tiling
Mechanical self-replication
Fields involving study of self-replication
In industry
Space exploration and manufacturing
Molecular manufacturing
Natural replicators
Autotrophic replicators
Self-reproductive systems
Self-assembling systems
Self-replicating machine
von Neumann's kinematic model
Moore's artificial living plants
Dyson's replicating systems
Lackner-Wendt Auxon replicators
Recent work
Self-replicating rapid prototypers
Studies on self-replicating systems