International Conference on Clinical Cardiology, Treatments of Heart Diseases and Disorders

26th - 27th December 2024,
Dublin, Ireland

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


26th November 2024

Final Paper Submission

11th December`2024

Registration Deadline

11th December`2024

Conference Date

26th - 27th December 2024,

Call For Paper

Clinical cardiology
Heart failure
Heart diseases
Coronary heart disease and vasospasm, atherothrombotic disease
Cardio myopathy and arteriosclerotic vascular disease
Myocardial infarction and arrhythmias
Inflammatory heart disease, hypertension
Cardiovascular diseases in women
Pediatric heart diseases
Innovation in ischemic heart disease, angiogenesis
Epidemiological transition of cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular Medicine
Modern practices in cardiovascular therapy
Cardiac progenitor cells
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
Hypertension for the primary care clinician
Obesity and heart
Cardiac drugs
Cardiac imaging and technology
Women and CVD
Pediatric cardiology
Cardiac nursing
Diabetic cardiovascular diseases
Cardiac surgery
Current research in cardiology