International Conference on Cultural Architecture and Philosophy

4th - 5th July 2024,
Amman, Jordan

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


4th June 2024

Final Paper Submission

14th June`2024

Registration Deadline

24th June`2024

Conference Date

4th - 5th July 2024,

Call For Paper

Cultural architecture
Architecture, history and culture
Architecture, culture and space
Role of culture in sustainable architecture
Architectural history, humanities and hermeneutics
Eco-cultural logic of sustainable architecture
Islam, human mobility and hybrid architecture
Geometry, spirituality, and symbolism
Space, place and imagination
Cartography and urban design
Architectural hermeneutics
Practical hermeneutics
Space and place concepts analysis
Hermeneutics as architectural discourse
Interpretation in architecture and philosophy
Interpretive trustworthiness
Natural symbols
Architectural archetypes
Post-modernism and deconstruction
Fictional spaces
Imagery places
Utopia and dystopia remembered
Rhetoric, metaphors and architecture

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