Upcoming conferences

Date Name of Conferences Venue
26th December International Conference on Security and Privacy-Enhanced Business Process Management (ICSPEBPM-24) Vatican City, Vatican City
26th December International Conference on Asymmetric Warfare Studies (ICOAWS-24) Vatican City, Vatican City
Date Name of Conference Venue
14th February International Conference on Renewable Energy Solutions for Healthcare (ICRESH-25) Vatican City, Vatican City
14th February International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy (ICRSE-25) Vatican City, Vatican City
Date Name of Conference Venue
7th April International Conference on Private Law Studies (ICPLS -25) Vatican City, Vatican City
7th April International Conference on Biotransformation Studies (ICOBS -25) Vatican City, Vatican City
23rd April International Conference on Security Studies (ICSS -25) Vatican City, Vatican City
23rd April International Conference on Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ICLACS -25) Vatican City, Vatican City