Upcoming conferences

Date Name of Conference Venue
1st January International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Applications (ICAMCSA -25) Ruse, Bulgaria
1st January International Conference on Advances in Pure & Applied Mathematics (ICAPAM-25) Ruse, Bulgaria
2nd January International Conference On Sports Nutrition And Supplements (ICOSNAS-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2nd January International Conference on Sport Tourism Activities and Local Organizations (ICSTALO-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
11th January International Conference on Pediatric Immunology and Pediatric Cardiology (ICPIPC-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
11th January International Conference on Pediatric Obesity and Pediatric Cardiology (ICPOPC-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
14th January International Conference on Marketing Studies (ICMSTUD-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
14th January International Conference on Asian and Pacific Studies (ICOAAPS -25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
20th January International Conference on Forest Products Marketing and Accounting (ICFPMA-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
20th January International Conference on Finance and Accounting (ICFA-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
22nd January International Conference on Anthropology and Theoretical Approaches (ICATA-25) Ruse, Bulgaria
22nd January International Conference on Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (ICOIES-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
22nd January International Conference on Forensic Anthropology and Toxicology (ICFAT-25) Ruse, Bulgaria
22nd January International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies (ICILES -25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Date Name of Conference Venue
1st May International Conference on Local Tourism Activities and Tourism Resources (ICLTATR-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
1st May International Conference on Local Tourism Activities and Tourism Resources (ICLTATR-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
7th May International Conference on Mathematical ,Computational Sciences and Management (ICMACOSCMA-25) Ruse, Bulgaria
7th May International Conference on Differentiation Rules and Standard Integration Techniques in Mathematics (ICDRSITM -25) Ruse, Bulgaria
10th May International Conference on Pediatric Immunology and Pediatric Cardiology (ICPIPC-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
10th May Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting (GDPDAM-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
13th May International Conference on Marketing Studies (ICMSTUD-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
13th May International Conference on Security Studies and Threats (ICSSAT -25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
19th May International Conference on Forest Products Marketing and Accounting (ICFPMA-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
19th May International Conference on Finance and Accounting (ICFA-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
28th May International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Management Studies and Leadership (ICEPSMSL -25) Ruse, Bulgaria
28th May International Conference on the Social Sciences, Sociology and Globalization in Asia (ICO3SGA-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
28th May International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Sciences (ICIBSS -25) Ruse, Bulgaria
28th May International Conference on Computer Engineering, Software Applications and Types of Hardware (ICCESATH-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Date Name of Conference Venue
6th June International Conference on Recent Innovations and Developments in Mechanical Engineering (ICRIDME-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
6th June International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies (ICOMET-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
11th June International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology  (ICEIT-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
17th June International Conference on Seismic Design for Civil Engineering (ICSDCE-25) Ruse, Bulgaria
17th June International Conference on Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ICCME-25) Ruse, Bulgaria
18th June International Conference on Islamic Banking, Finance, Business and Commerce (ICIBFBC-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
18th June International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Service (ICCBS-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
18th June International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology  (ICEIT-25) Plovdiv, Bulgaria
19th June International Conference on Mathematics Education and Teachers  (ICMET -25) Sofia, Bulgaria
19th June International Conference on Teacher Education (ICOTE -25) Sofia, Bulgaria
30th June International Conference on Banking, Accounting and Finance (ICBAF-25) Sofia, Bulgaria
30th June International Conference on Economics, Management of Business, Innovation and Technology  (ICEMBIT-25) Sofia, Bulgaria