Upcoming conferences

Date Name of Conferences Venue
13th February International Conference on Hematology, Immunology and Transfusion Medicine  (ICHITM-25) Newcastle, Australia
13th February International Conference on Philosophy, Anthropology, Archaeology and History (ICPAAH-25) Perth, Australia
13th February International Conference on Hematology, Immunology and Transfusion Medicine  (ICHITM-25) Newcastle, Australia
13th February International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences (ICISET-25) Sydney, Australia
13th February International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Studies, Philosophy, Anthropology, History and Archaeology (ICISSPAHA-25) Perth, Australia
13th February International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ICOIKM-25) Melbourne, Australia
13th February International Conference on Information Sciences and Techniques (ICOIST-25) Melbourne, Australia
13th February International Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management (ICISTM-25) Sydney, Australia
15th February International Conference on Sport Medicine and Exercise Science (ICSMES-25) Sydney, Australia
15th February International Conference on Sport Science and Sports Engineering (ICSSSE-25) Sydney, Australia
17th February International Conference on African Swine Fever and Host Pathogen Interaction (ICASFHPI -25) Adelaide, Australia
17th February International Conference on Feminist Politics and Gender Equality (ICFPGE -25) Melbourne, Australia
17th February International Conference on African and Latin American Studies (ICALAS -25) Adelaide, Australia
17th February International Conference on Women, Education and Gender Equality (ICWEGE-25) Melbourne, Australia
18th February International Conference on Precision Marketing and Marketing Strategies (ICPMMS -25) Sydney, Australia
18th February International Conference on Social Marketing and Marketing Strategies (ICSMAMS -25) Sydney, Australia
19th February International Conference on American Philosophy and Thought (ICOAPAT -25) Melbourne, Australia
19th February International Conference on Waste Management and Solutions (ICWMS-25) Darwin, Australia
19th February International Conference on Transnational Studies and American Literature (ICTSAL -25) Melbourne, Australia
19th February International Conference on Pollution Control and Waste Management (ICPCWM-25) Darwin, Australia
19th February International Conference on Leadership and Management (ICLM -25) Brisbane, Australia
19th February International Conference on Neuromanagement and Leadership (ICNL-25) Brisbane, Australia
20th February International Conference on Indigenous Tourism and Development (ICITD-25) Perth, Australia
20th February International Conference on Educational Tourism, Activities and Tours (ICETAT-25) Perth, Australia
21st February International Conference on Gastroenterology (ICGA-25) Melbourne, Australia
21st February International Conference on Clinical Microbiology, Virology and Infectious Diseases (ICCMVID-25) Sydney, Australia
21st February International Conference on Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases (ICBID-25) Sydney, Australia
21st February International Conference on Advanced Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery in Gastroenterology (ICALUSG -25) Melbourne, Australia
24th February International Conference on Economics and Development (ICED-25) Adelaide, Australia
24th February International Conference on Sustainable Energy Economics, Security and Policy (ICSEESP-25) Adelaide, Australia
25th February International Conference on Surveying Technology in Civil Engineering (ICSTCE-25) Brisbane, Australia
25th February International Conference on Computer Science, Machine Learning and Algorithms (ICCPSMLA-25) Sydney, Australia
25th February International Conference on Healthy and Active Aging  (ICHAA-25) Melbourne, Australia
25th February International Conference on Social Work and Research (ICSWR-25) Perth, Australia
25th February International Conference on Pediatric Palliative Care  (ICPPC-25) Melbourne, Australia
25th February International Conference on Distance Learning and Special Education (ICDLSE-25) Sydney, Australia
25th February International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning Elites (ICCEAUPE-25) Brisbane, Australia
25th February International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health at Work (ICOSHW-25) Perth, Australia
27th February International Conference on Mathematics Education and Teachers  (ICMET -25) Melbourne, Australia
27th February International Conference on European Civilization and History (ICECAH -25) Sydney, Australia
27th February International Conference on European Law and Asylum (ICELA -25) Sydney, Australia
28th February International Conference on English Learning and Teaching (ICELT-25) Adelaide, Australia
28th February International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics (ICELL-25) Adelaide, Australia
28th February International Conference on Family Medicine and Healthcare (ICFMH-25) Newcastle, Australia
28th February International Conference on Adolescent Medicine & Child Psychology (ICAMCP-25) Newcastle, Australia
Date Name of Conference Venue
1st March International Conference on Global Issues and Policy (ICGIAP-25) Melbourne, Australia
1st March International Conference on Political Science and Globalization (ICPSG-25) Melbourne, Australia
3rd March International Conference on Knowledge Economy (ICKE -25) Newcastle, Australia
3rd March International Conference on Economics, Business, Management and Finance Research (ICEBMFR-25) Newcastle, Australia
5th March International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Brisbane, Australia
5th March International Conference on Water, Sanitation and Public Health (ICWSPH-25) Perth, Australia
5th March International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Management Studies, Leadership and Practice (ICEPSMSLP -25) Brisbane, Australia
5th March World Congress on Soil and Water Sciences (WCSWS-25) Perth, Australia
6th March International Conference on Bioinformatics for Life Sciences and Technologies (ICBLST-25) Sydney, Australia
6th March International Conference on European Law and Vaccine Policy (ICELVP -25) Sydney, Australia
6th March International Conference on German and European Studies (ICGAES -25) Sydney, Australia
6th March International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ICOBCB-25) Sydney, Australia
6th March International Conference on Hands-on Science. Advancing Science. Improving Education (ICHSASIE-25) Melbourne, Australia
6th March International Conference on Tourism, Transport, and Logistics (ICTTL-25) Adelaide, Australia
6th March International Conference on New Trends in Education: Teaching, learning and Technology (TLT-25) Melbourne, Australia
6th March International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics (ICMCAP-25) Adelaide, Australia
10th March International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering (ICAMAME-25) Melbourne, Australia
10th March International Conference on Aircraft Engineering and Aeroelasticity (ICAEA-25) Melbourne, Australia
10th March International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering  (ICESE-25) Melbourne, Australia
10th March International Conference on Aircraft Engineering and Aeroelasticity (ICAEA-25) Melbourne, Australia
11th March International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology  (ICOEST-25) Sydney, Australia
11th March International Conference on Wastewater  (ICW-25) Sydney, Australia
12th March International Conference on Construction Management and Designing Bridges (ICCMDB-25) Melbourne, Australia
12th March International Conference on Business, Economics and Management (BEM-25) Melbourne, Australia
13th March International Conference on Mathematical Challenges and Novel Applications (ICMCNA-25) Sydney, Australia
13th March International Conference on Mathematics, Computation, Complex Systems and Statistics (ICMCCSS-25) Sydney, Australia
14th March International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis (ICGDA-25) Melbourne, Australia
14th March International Conference on Existential-Humanistic Psychology (ICEHP-25) Perth, Australia
14th March International Conference on Cognitive, Social and Behavioural Sciences  (ICCSBE-25) Perth, Australia
14th March International Conference on Urban Housing, Sustainability and Land Use (ICUHSLU -25) Melbourne, Australia
15th March International Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Development (ICREED-25) Brisbane, Australia
15th March International Conference on Probability and Statistics (ICPROS-25) Adelaide, Australia
15th March International Conference on Statistical Genetics and Biostatistics (ICSGAB-25) Adelaide, Australia
15th March International Conference on Renewable Energy Resource and Energy Storage (ICRERES-25) Brisbane, Australia
17th March International Conference on Mathematical Challenges and Novel Applications (ICMCNA-25) Melbourne, Australia
17th March International Conference on History of Law and Justice (ICHLJ-25) Sydney, Australia
17th March International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics (ICAMMPHY-25) Melbourne, Australia
17th March International Conference on Arts, Humanities and Art History (ICAHAH-25) Sydney, Australia
17th March International Conference on Dental Medicine and Dental Care (ICDMDC -25) Darwin, Australia
17th March Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting (GDPDAM-25) Darwin, Australia
19th March International Conference on Geophysics and Mathematics (ICGEOMAT-25) Melbourne, Australia
19th March International Conference on Breast Radiology and Computerized Medical Imaging (ICBRCMI-25) Sydney, Australia
19th March International Conference on Radiology and Imaging (ICRI-25) Sydney, Australia
19th March International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics (ICDMC -25) Melbourne, Australia
20th March International Conference on Earth and Space Sciences and Engineering (ICESSE-25) Perth, Australia
20th March International Conference on Earth and Space Sciences and Engineering (ICESSE-25) Perth, Australia
20th March International Conference on Food and Tourism (ICFT-25) Sydney, Australia
20th March International Conference on Drug Tourism and Destinations (ICDTD-25) Sydney, Australia
20th March International Conference on Mathematics Education and Teachers  (ICMET -25) Brisbane, Australia
20th March International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Brisbane, Australia
21st March International Conference on Geriatric Infectious Diseases (ICGID-25) Adelaide, Australia
21st March International Conference on Pathology and Microbiology (ICOPAMI-25) Adelaide, Australia
22nd March International Conference on Service-Oriented Architectures and Computing (ICSOAC-25) Newcastle, Australia
22nd March International Conference on e-Democracy, e-Government and e-Society (ICDGS-25) Melbourne, Australia
22nd March International Conference on Local Tourism Activities and Tourism Statistics (ICLTATS-25) Sydney, Australia
22nd March International Conference on Operations Research, Statistics and Industrial Engineering (ICORSIE-25) Sydney, Australia
22nd March International Conference on e-Government, Smart Cities, and Digital Societies (ICEGSCDS-25) Melbourne, Australia
22nd March International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (ICSCPS-25) Newcastle, Australia
25th March International Conference on homological algebra (ICHA-25) Sydney, Australia
25th March International Conference on Causes of Poverty and Inequality (ICCPI-25) Melbourne, Australia
25th March International Conference on Social Inequality and Poverty (ICSIP-25) Melbourne, Australia
25th March International Conference on Sport Statistics and Performance Analysis (ICSSPA-25) Sydney, Australia
26th March International Conference on Neurology and Neurological Sciences (ICNNS-25) Brisbane, Australia
26th March International Conference on Current Trends in Pediatric Neuropathy and Neurology (ICCTPNN-25) Brisbane, Australia
27th March International Conference on Biomedical and Health Sciences  (ICBAHS-25) Adelaide, Australia
27th March International Conference on Recent Advances in Management, Sociology and Psychology (ICRAMSP-25) Sydney, Australia
27th March International Conference on Biomedical and Health Sciences  (ICBAHS-25) Adelaide, Australia
27th March International Conference on Education, Psychology and Sociology (ICEPS-25) Sydney, Australia
28th March International Conference on Pharmacy and Pharmacology (ICPP-25) Melbourne, Australia
28th March World Summit on Pharmaceutics and Drug Designs (WSPDD-25) Melbourne, Australia
29th March International Conference on Mathematical Challenges and Novel Applications (ICMCNA-25) Perth, Australia
29th March International Conference on Foundations of Stable, Generalizable and Transferable Statistical Learning (ICFSGTSL-25) Perth, Australia
31st March International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace Technology and Materials Application (ICMATMA-25) Brisbane, Australia
31st March International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Systems Engineering (ICMASE-25) Brisbane, Australia
Date Name of Conference Venue
2nd April International Conference on American Philosophy and Thought (ICOAPAT -25) Brisbane, Australia
2nd April International Conference on Environment and Life Science  (ICELS-25) Perth, Australia
2nd April International Conference on Biotransformation Studies (ICOBS -25) Brisbane, Australia
2nd April International Conference on Environment and Life Science  (ICELS-25) Perth, Australia
3rd April International Conference on Tourism, Transport, and Logistics (ICTTL-25) Adelaide, Australia
3rd April International Conference on Education and Technology (IC-ET-25) Melbourne, Australia
3rd April International Conference on Forecasting Economic and Financial Systems (ICFEFS -25) Adelaide, Australia
3rd April International Conference on New Trends in Education: Teaching, learning and Technology (TLT-25) Melbourne, Australia
3rd April International Conference on Europeanization, Westernization and European Union (ICEWEU -25) Sydney, Australia
3rd April International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ICOBCB-25) Sydney, Australia
3rd April International Conference on Machine Learning and Bioinformatics  (ICMLB-25) Sydney, Australia
3rd April International Conference on European History and Society (ICEHAS -25) Sydney, Australia
4th April International Conference on Urban Housing, Sustainability and Land Use (ICUHSLU -25) Melbourne, Australia
4th April International Conference on Critical Thinking (ICCRIT-25) Perth, Australia
4th April International Conference on Geosciences and Geographic Information Systems  (ICGGIS-25) Melbourne, Australia
4th April International Conference on Existential-Humanistic Psychology (ICEHP-25) Perth, Australia
5th April International Conference on Identity Politics and Civil Rights (ICIPCR-25) Melbourne, Australia
5th April International Conference on Identity Politics and Left (ICIPL-25) Melbourne, Australia
7th April International Conference on Knowledge Economy (ICKE -25) Newcastle, Australia
7th April International Conference on Ecological Economics and Research (ICEEAR-25) Newcastle, Australia
8th April International Conference On Ecology And Transportation (ICOEAT-25) Sydney, Australia
8th April International Conference On Ecology And Transportation (ICOEAT-25) Sydney, Australia
9th April International Conference on Education, Learning and Management  (ICELM-25) Newcastle, Australia
9th April International Conference on Disasters Management, Geomatics Solutions and Satellite Data (ICDMGSSD-25) Melbourne, Australia
9th April International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology  (ICEIT-25) Newcastle, Australia
9th April International Conference on Investment Analysis and Financial Asset Management (ICIAFAM-25) Melbourne, Australia
10th April International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (ICMMS-25) Sydney, Australia
10th April International Conference on Statistics and Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry (ICSCAC-25) Sydney, Australia
14th April International Conference on Aircraft Engineering and Flight Systems (ICAEFS-25) Melbourne, Australia
14th April International Conference on Airport Engineering, Management, Design and Construction (ICAEMDC-25) Melbourne, Australia
14th April International Conference on Aircraft Engineering and Aeroelasticity (ICAEA-25) Melbourne, Australia
14th April International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering (ICAMAME-25) Melbourne, Australia
16th April International Conference on Neuropathy and Neurology (ICNN-25) Sydney, Australia
16th April International Conference on Sports Neurology and Neurological Conditions (ICSNNC-25) Sydney, Australia
16th April International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-25) Melbourne, Australia
16th April International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorial Matrix Theory (ICDMCMT -25) Melbourne, Australia
17th April International Conference on Geology, Geophysics and Earth Sciences (ICGGES-25) Perth, Australia
17th April International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Brisbane, Australia
17th April International Conference on Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality (ICKMTH-25) Sydney, Australia
17th April International Conference on Earth and Space Sciences and Engineering (ICESSE-25) Perth, Australia
17th April International Conference on Agriculture and Tourism (ICAT-25) Sydney, Australia
17th April International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Brisbane, Australia
18th April International Conference on Pathology and Microbiology (ICOPAMI-25) Adelaide, Australia
18th April International Conference on Pathology and Microbiology (ICOPAMI-25) Adelaide, Australia
19th April International Conference on Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences (ICASALS-25) Adelaide, Australia
19th April International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies (ICRET-25) Brisbane, Australia
19th April International Conference on Educational Statistics (ICEDUS-25) Adelaide, Australia
21st April Global Dentists and Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting (GDPDAM-25) Darwin, Australia
21st April International Conference on Mathematical Applications (ICMATAP-25) Melbourne, Australia
21st April International Conference on Politics and History (ICPOLH-25) Sydney, Australia
21st April International Conference on Applied Science, Mathematics and Statistics (ICASMS-25) Melbourne, Australia
21st April International Conference on Lasers in Dentistry and Endodontic Therapy (ICLDET-25) Darwin, Australia
21st April International Conference on Global History (ICGH-25) Sydney, Australia
22nd April International Conference on Local Tourism Activities and Tourism Statistics (ICLTATS-25) Sydney, Australia
22nd April International Conference on Causes of Poverty and Inequality (ICCPI-25) Melbourne, Australia
22nd April International Conference on Poverty and Social Protection (ICOPSP-25) Melbourne, Australia
22nd April International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS-25) Sydney, Australia
23rd April International Conference on Whole-Body Exercise, Body Composition and Functional Capacity (ICWBEBCFC -25) Brisbane, Australia
23rd April International Conference on Clinical Cardiology, Cardiac Diseases and Blood Vessel Problems (ICCCDBVP-25) Brisbane, Australia
24th April International Conference on Sociology, Art and Art Perception (ICSAAP-25) Sydney, Australia
24th April International Conference on Biomedical and Health Sciences  (ICBAHS-25) Adelaide, Australia
24th April International Conference on Economic Sociology and Anthropology (ICESA-25) Sydney, Australia
25th April International Conference on Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICMPS-25) Melbourne, Australia
25th April International Conference on Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy (ICCPP-25) Melbourne, Australia
26th April International Conference on Local Government and Local Needs (ICLGLN-25) Melbourne, Australia
26th April International Conference on Service-Oriented Architectures and Computing (ICSOAC-25) Newcastle, Australia
26th April International Conference on Mathematical Ecology, Statistics and Dynamics (ICMESD-25) Sydney, Australia
26th April International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing (ICETC-25) Newcastle, Australia
26th April International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (ICMMMB-25) Sydney, Australia
26th April International Conference on e-Democracy, e-Government and e-Society (ICDGS-25) Melbourne, Australia
29th April International Conference on Architectural History and Cultural Architecture (ICHCA-25) Brisbane, Australia
29th April International Conference on Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature (ICHAN-25) Brisbane, Australia
30th April International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Sciences (ICMACOSC-25) Perth, Australia
30th April International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Geometry  (ICDMG -25) Perth, Australia
Date Name of Conference Venue
1st May International Conference on Operations Research, Statistics and Industrial Engineering (ICORSIE-25) Sydney, Australia
1st May International Conference on Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences (ICASALS-25) Sydney, Australia
2nd May International Conference on Advance Physics and Mathematics (ICAPHMA-25) Brisbane, Australia
2nd May International Conference on Water, Energy and Environmental Management (ICWEEM-25) Melbourne, Australia
2nd May International Conference on Environment and Life Science  (ICELS-25) Melbourne, Australia
2nd May International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Dynamics in Computational Mathematics (ICMMDCM -25) Brisbane, Australia
3rd May International Conference on Foodborne Illness and Food Safety (ICFIFS-25) Adelaide, Australia
3rd May International Conference on Rapid Methods for Assessing Food Safety (ICRMAFS-25) Adelaide, Australia
5th May International Conference on Nuclear Power Plants Engineering  (ICNPPE-25) Perth, Australia
5th May International Conference on Multidisciplinary Scientific Social Sciences and Arts (ICMSSSA-25) Sydney, Australia
5th May International Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Amorphous Metals (ICCPAM-25) Perth, Australia
5th May International Conference on Textile Engineering and Applied Arts  (ICTEAA-25) Sydney, Australia
5th May International Conference on Commercial Law Studies (ICCLS -25) Newcastle, Australia
5th May International Conference on Studies in Space Law (ICSSL -25) Newcastle, Australia
6th May International Conference on Computational Economics, Statistics and Econometrics (ICCESE-25) Melbourne, Australia
6th May International Conference on Urban Forestry and Statistics (ICUFS-25) Melbourne, Australia
7th May International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Newcastle, Australia
7th May International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Newcastle, Australia
8th May International Conference on Peace and Conflict Management (ICPCM -25) Melbourne, Australia
8th May International Conference on Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies (ICCRPS-25) Melbourne, Australia
9th May International Conference on Natural, Traditional & Alternative Medicine (ICNTAM-25) Sydney, Australia
9th May International Conference on Women's and Children's Health (ICWCH-25) Sydney, Australia
10th May International Conference on Times of Polymers and Composites (TPC-25) Perth, Australia
10th May International Conference on Polymers and Moulds Innovations (ICPMI-25) Perth, Australia
12th May International Conference on Modern African Philosophy (ICOMAP -25) Adelaide, Australia
12th May International Conference on Cinema, Film and Media Studies  (ICCFMS-25) Melbourne, Australia
12th May International Conference on Cinema, Film and Media Studies  (ICCFMS-25) Melbourne, Australia
12th May International Conference on Commercial Law Studies (ICCLS -25) Adelaide, Australia
13th May International Conference on Palliative and Supportive Care (ICPSC-25) Sydney, Australia
13th May International Conference on Palliative Care and Pain Management, Treatment and Care (ICPCPMTC-25) Sydney, Australia
14th May International Conference on Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences (ICALES-25) Brisbane, Australia
14th May International Conference on Natural Science and Environment (ICONSE-25) Brisbane, Australia
14th May International Conference on Collective Violence, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (ICCVHGS-25) Sydney, Australia
14th May International Conference on Religious Violence (ICRV-25) Sydney, Australia
16th May World Conference on Education, Research and Policy (WCERP-25) Sydney, Australia
16th May International Conference on Digestive Disorders and Gastroenterology (ICDDG-25) Melbourne, Australia
16th May International Conference on Comparative Gastroenterology and Animal Gastroenterology (ICCGAG-25) Melbourne, Australia
16th May International Conference on Emerging Trends in Higher Education (ICETHE-25) Sydney, Australia
19th May International Conference on Economics and Business Management  (ICEBM-25) Adelaide, Australia
19th May International Conference on African Swine Fever and Transmission Studies (ICASFTS -25) Sydney, Australia
19th May International Conference on African Studies and Environments (ICASEN-25) Sydney, Australia
19th May International Conference on Computational Finance, Methods and Applications (ICCFMA-25) Adelaide, Australia
20th May International Conference on Aging, Gerontology & Geriatric Nursing (ICAGGN-25) Melbourne, Australia
20th May International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology (ICGTGY-25) Melbourne, Australia
21st May International Conference on Health Data Repository Management Strategies (ICHDRMS-25) Brisbane, Australia
21st May International Conference on Veterinary Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (ICVCCS-25) Perth, Australia
21st May International Conference on Corporate Finance and Financial Risk Management (ICCFFRM-25) Brisbane, Australia
21st May International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine Research (ICCCMR-25) Perth, Australia
21st May International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Melbourne, Australia
21st May International Conference on American Literature and Culture (ICALC-25) Melbourne, Australia
22nd May International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Melbourne, Australia
22nd May International Conference on Curriculum and Teacher Education (ICCTE -25) Melbourne, Australia
23rd May International Conference on Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching  (ICALELT-25) Adelaide, Australia
23rd May International Conference on Neurologic Disorders in Pediatrics (ICNDP-25) Sydney, Australia
23rd May International Conference on General Practice and Family Medicine (ICGPFM-25) Sydney, Australia
23rd May International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics (ICELL-25) Adelaide, Australia
24th May International Conference on Islamic Studies, Law and Management (ICISLM-25) Brisbane, Australia
24th May International Conference on Quranic and Islamic Studies (ICQIS-25) Brisbane, Australia
26th May International Conference on Environment and Life Science  (ICELS-25) Melbourne, Australia
26th May World Conference on Accounting and Financial Reporting (WCAFR-25) Darwin, Australia
26th May International Conference on African Studies, Environment and Conservation (ICASEC -25) Perth, Australia
26th May International Conference on Forest Products Marketing and Accounting (ICFPMA-25) Darwin, Australia
26th May International Conference on Religion and Religious Studies (ICRRS -25) Perth, Australia
26th May International Conference on Mechanical, Mechatronics, Robotics and Aerospace Engineering (ICMMRAE-25) Melbourne, Australia
28th May International Conference on Foreign Military Studies (ICOFMS -25) Sydney, Australia
28th May International Conference on American Literature and Comics (ICALCO-25) Sydney, Australia
29th May International Conference on Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship (ICOEEE-25) Melbourne, Australia
29th May International Conference on Computational Economics, Statistics and Econometrics (ICCESE-25) Brisbane, Australia
29th May International Conference on Local Tourism Activities and Tourism Statistics (ICLTATS-25) Brisbane, Australia
29th May World Conference on Supply Chain Management and Business (WCSCMB-25) Newcastle, Australia
29th May International Conference on Entertainment Law and Business (ICELB-25) Newcastle, Australia
29th May Internaional conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEABM-25) Melbourne, Australia
30th May International Conference on Applied Biological Psychology (ICABP-25) Sydney, Australia
30th May International Conference on Global Psychology Society (ICGPS-25) Sydney, Australia
31st May International Conference on Tourism Statistics and Economic Contribution (ICTSEC-25) Sydney, Australia
31st May International Conference on Discourse Studies (ICDS-25) Adelaide, Australia
31st May International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-25) Sydney, Australia
31st May International Conference on Discourse Studies (ICDS-25) Adelaide, Australia
Date Name of Conference Venue
2nd June International Congress on Economy, Finance, and Business (ICEFB-25) Newcastle, Australia
2nd June International Conference on Diplomacy and Economy (ICODAE -25) Newcastle, Australia
4th June International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Brisbane, Australia
4th June International Conference on Water, Waste and Sustainable Energy Management (ICWWSEM-25) Perth, Australia
4th June International Conference on Water, Waste and Sustainable Energy Management (ICWWSEM-25) Perth, Australia
4th June International Conference on Security Studies (ICSS -25) Brisbane, Australia
5th June International Conference on Hands-on Science. Advancing Science. Improving Education (ICHSASIE-25) Melbourne, Australia
5th June International Conference on Proteomics and Bioinformatics (ICPB-25) Sydney, Australia
5th June International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning (STEL-25) Melbourne, Australia
5th June International Conference on Environment and Life Science  (ICELS-25) Adelaide, Australia
5th June International Conference on German and European Studies (ICGAES -25) Sydney, Australia
5th June International Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ICRMH-25) Adelaide, Australia
5th June International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Computational Biology  (ICBBBCB-25) Sydney, Australia
5th June International Conference on Democracy and European Law Analysis (ICDELA -25) Sydney, Australia
7th June International Conference on Globalization and the Environment (ICGATE -25) Melbourne, Australia
7th June International Conference on Economic Globalization and Economic Geography (ICEGEG-25) Melbourne, Australia
9th June International Conference on Airport Engineering, Management, Design and Construction (ICAEMDC-25) Melbourne, Australia
9th June International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (ICAMME-25) Melbourne, Australia
9th June International Conference on Mechanical, Robotics and Aerospace Engineering (ICMRAE-25) Melbourne, Australia
10th June International Conference on Clinical Gynecology and Women Oncology (ICCGWO-25) Sydney, Australia
10th June International Conference on Microbial Technology and Ecology (ICMTE-25) Sydney, Australia
11th June International Conference on Business, Economics and Management (BEM-25) Melbourne, Australia
11th June International Conference on Traffic Safety and Management (ICTSM-25) Melbourne, Australia
12th June International Conference on Educational Statistics (ICEDUS-25) Sydney, Australia
12th June International Conference on Economics, Statistics and Mathematics (ICESM-25) Sydney, Australia
13th June International Conference on Geographic Information System Techniques and Modeling (ICGISTM -25) Melbourne, Australia
13th June International Conference on Land Degradation and Sustainable Soil Management (ICLDSSM-25) Melbourne, Australia
13th June International Conference on Psychology, Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences (ICPCLS -25) Perth, Australia
13th June International Conference on Applied Psychology (ICOAP-25) Perth, Australia
16th June International Conference on Ancient History and Art (ICAHA-25) Sydney, Australia
16th June International Conference on Discrete Applied Mathematics and Combinatorial Optimization (ICDAMCO -25) Melbourne, Australia
16th June International Conference on Advanced Esthetic Dentistry and Dental Treatments (ICAEDDT-25) Darwin, Australia
16th June International Conference on Discrete Applied Mathematics and Parallel Processing (ICDAMPP -25) Melbourne, Australia
16th June International Conference on Dentistry, Dental Medicine and Dental Hygiene (ICDDMDH-25) Darwin, Australia
16th June International Conference on Ancient History and Art (ICAHA-25) Sydney, Australia
18th June International Conference on Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Crises Management and Disaster (ICPDMCMD-25) Melbourne, Australia
18th June International Conference on Land Information Management and Land Information Systems (ICLIMLIS-25) Melbourne, Australia
18th June World Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery (WCMOR-25) Melbourne, Australia
18th June International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology  (ICEIT-25) Newcastle, Australia
18th June International Conference on Breast Radiology and Computerized Medical Imaging (ICBRCMI-25) Sydney, Australia
18th June International Conference on Radiology, Medical Imaging and Analysis (ICRMIA-25) Sydney, Australia
18th June International Conference Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics (ICCHPHMA-25) Melbourne, Australia
19th June International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Teacher Education (ICAIATE-25) Brisbane, Australia
19th June International Conference on Civil, Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences (ICCEEES-25) Perth, Australia
19th June International Conference on Tourism Sciences and Sustainable Tourism (ICTSST-25) Sydney, Australia
19th June International Conference on Religious Tourism Activities (ICRTA-25) Sydney, Australia
19th June International Conference on Mathematics Education and Teachers  (ICMET -25) Brisbane, Australia
19th June International Conference on Earth and Space Sciences and Engineering (ICESSE-25) Perth, Australia
20th June International Conference on Computational Pathology and Applications (ICOCPA-25) Adelaide, Australia
20th June International Conference on Surgery in Pediatric Pathology (ICSPP-25) Adelaide, Australia
21st June International Conference on Business and Industrial Statistics (ICBIS-25) Adelaide, Australia
21st June International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy (ICSRE-25) Brisbane, Australia
21st June International Conference on Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development (ICRERED-25) Brisbane, Australia
24th June International Conference on Causes of Poverty (ICCP-25) Melbourne, Australia
24th June International Conference on Poverty and Human Rights  (ICPAHR-25) Melbourne, Australia
24th June International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Financial Economics (ICMSFE-25) Sydney, Australia
24th June International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-25) Sydney, Australia
25th June International Conference on Neurology and Therapeutics (ICNAT-25) Brisbane, Australia
25th June International Conference on Current Trends in Pediatric Neuropathy and Neurology (ICCTPNN-25) Brisbane, Australia
26th June International Conference on Economic Sociology (ICOES-25) Sydney, Australia
26th June International Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation (ICBC-25) Adelaide, Australia
26th June International Conference on Biomedical Chemistry and Engineering (ICBIOCE-25) Adelaide, Australia
26th June International Conference on Human Geography, Politics and Sociology (ICHGPS-25) Sydney, Australia
27th June International Conference on Pharmacy, Drug Action and Efficacy (ICPDAE-25) Melbourne, Australia
27th June International Conference on Clinical Pharmacy and Personalized Medicine (ICCPPM-25) Melbourne, Australia
28th June International Conference on e-Learning, e-education and e-Government Systems (ICLEGS-25) Melbourne, Australia
28th June International Conference on Tourism Statistics and Data Sources (ICTSDS-25) Sydney, Australia
28th June International Conference on Economics, Statistics and Mathematics (ICESM-25) Sydney, Australia
28th June International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET-25) Newcastle, Australia
28th June International Conference on e-Government, Smart Cities, and Digital Societies (ICEGSCDS-25) Melbourne, Australia
30th June International Conference on Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering (ICOAAE-25) Brisbane, Australia
30th June International Conference on Aerospace and Aviation Engineering (ICAAE-25) Brisbane, Australia
Date Name of Conference Venue
1st July International Conference on Mycology, Fungi and Fungal Biology (ICMFFB-25) Melbourne, Australia
1st July International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Probability (ICOMSP-25) Brisbane, Australia
1st July International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (ICMMS-25) Brisbane, Australia
1st July International Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (ICCMB-25) Melbourne, Australia
2nd July International Conference on Foreign Military Studies (ICOFMS -25) Adelaide, Australia
2nd July International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Adelaide, Australia
3rd July International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Number Theory (ICGCNT-25) Sydney, Australia
3rd July International Conference on Quantum Control Engineering, Statistics and Analysis (ICQCESA-25) Sydney, Australia
4th July World Congress on Traditional and Complementary Medicine (WCTRCOME-25) Sydney, Australia
5th July International Conference on Biopolymers, Bioplastics, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (IC4B-25) Perth, Australia
5th July International Conference on Polymer Chemistry (ICPOLC-25) Perth, Australia
7th July International Conference on Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities  (ICSSAH-25) Sydney, Australia
7th July International Conference on Arts, Humanities and Postmodernism (ICAHP-25) Sydney, Australia
7th July International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Technology (ICCET-25) Perth, Australia
7th July International Conference on Taxation Studies (ICTS -25) Newcastle, Australia
7th July International Conference on African Philosophical Thought (ICAPTH -25) Newcastle, Australia
7th July International Conference on Micro-Nano Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (ICMNSCLS-25) Perth, Australia
8th July International Conference on Mathematical Forestry and Statistics (ICMFAS-25) Melbourne, Australia
8th July International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-25) Melbourne, Australia
9th July International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Newcastle, Australia
9th July International Conference on American Philosophy and Thought (ICOAPAT -25) Newcastle, Australia
10th July International Conference on Economics and Social History (ICESH-25) Melbourne, Australia
10th July International Conference on Humanities, Social Science and Business Management (ICHSSBM-25) Melbourne, Australia
11th July International Conference on Precision Teaching Applications and Special Education (ICPTASE-25) Sydney, Australia
11th July International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Leadership Training and Practice (ICEPSLTP-25) Sydney, Australia
11th July International Metabolic Diseases and Liver Cancer Conference (IMDLCC-25) Melbourne, Australia
11th July World Congress on Gastroenterology & Hepatology (WCGH-25) Melbourne, Australia
14th July International Conference on African Philosophical Thought (ICAPTH -25) Adelaide, Australia
14th July International Conference on Police Studies and Criminology (ICPOSC -25) Adelaide, Australia
14th July International Conference on Cinema, Film and Media Studies  (ICCFMS-25) Melbourne, Australia
14th July International Conference on Media and Film Studies (ICMFS-25) Melbourne, Australia
15th July International Conference on Palliative Care and Pain Management, Treatment and Care (ICPCPMTC-25) Sydney, Australia
15th July International Conference on Palliative and Supportive Care (ICPSC-25) Sydney, Australia
16th July International Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology, Food and Nutritional Sciences  (ICABFNS-25) Brisbane, Australia
16th July International Conference on Collective Violence, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (ICCVHGS-25) Sydney, Australia
16th July International Conference on Sexual Violence Prevention and Response (ICSVPR-25) Sydney, Australia
16th July International Conference on Natural Science and Environment (ICONSE-25) Brisbane, Australia
18th July International Conference on Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching  (ICALELT-25) Adelaide, Australia
18th July International Conference on English and American Studies (ICEAS-25) Adelaide, Australia
18th July International Conference on Pediatric Cardiology (ICOPEC-25) Sydney, Australia
18th July International Conference on Pediatric Heart Physiology (ICOPHP-25) Sydney, Australia
19th July International Conference on Islamic Studies and Philosophy (ICISP-25) Brisbane, Australia
19th July International Conference on Islam and Democracy (ICOIAD-25) Brisbane, Australia
21st July International Conference on African Studies and Global Africa (ICASGAF-25) Sydney, Australia
21st July International Conference on African Studies, Museums and Artifacts (ICASMA -25) Sydney, Australia
21st July International Conference on Global Marketing, Finance and Corporation (ICGMFC-25) Adelaide, Australia
21st July International Conference on Statistical Finance and Financial Engineering (ICSFFE-25) Adelaide, Australia
22nd July International Conference on Aging, Gerontology & Geriatric Nursing (ICAGGN-25) Melbourne, Australia
22nd July International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology (ICGTGY-25) Melbourne, Australia
23rd July International Conference on Cardiovascular Medicine, Clinical Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (ICCMCCCS-25) Perth, Australia
23rd July International Conference on Leadership and Management (ICLM -25) Brisbane, Australia
23rd July International Conference on Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Crises Management and Disaster (ICPDMCMD-25) Brisbane, Australia
23rd July International Conference on American Literature, Theatre and Drama (ICALTD -25) Melbourne, Australia
23rd July International Conference on Transnational Studies and American Literature (ICTSAL -25) Melbourne, Australia
23rd July International Conference on Applied Cardiology (ICAC-25) Perth, Australia
24th July International Conference on Mathematics Education and Teachers  (ICMET -25) Melbourne, Australia
24th July International Conference on Curriculum and Teacher Education (ICCTE -25) Melbourne, Australia
25th July International Conference on Psychiatry and Psychiatric Disability (ICOPPD-25) Sydney, Australia
25th July International Conference on Psychology, Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences (ICPCLS -25) Sydney, Australia
26th July International Conference on Arithmetic Number Theory (ICANT-25) Sydney, Australia
26th July International Conference on Statistics and Mathematics in Sports (ICOSMS-25) Sydney, Australia
26th July International Conference on Discourse Studies (ICDS-25) Adelaide, Australia
26th July International Conference on Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis (ICSLDA-25) Adelaide, Australia
28th July International Conference on Finance and Accounting (ICFA-25) Darwin, Australia
28th July International Conference on Commercial Law Studies (ICCLS -25) Perth, Australia
28th July International Conference on Discourse Analysis (ICODAN-25) Perth, Australia
28th July International Conference on Aerospace Engineering, Classification of Flying Vehicles and Flight Software (ICAECFLVFS-25) Melbourne, Australia
28th July World Conference on Accountants (WCA-25) Darwin, Australia
28th July International Conference on Environment and Life Science  (ICELS-25) Melbourne, Australia
30th July International Conference on Foreign Military Studies (ICOFMS -25) Sydney, Australia
30th July International Conference on Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ICLACS -25) Sydney, Australia
31st July International Conference on Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship (ICOEEE-25) Melbourne, Australia
31st July International Conference on Sport Statistics and Performance Analysis (ICSSPA-25) Brisbane, Australia
31st July International Conference on Tourism Statistics and Economic Contribution (ICTSEC-25) Brisbane, Australia
31st July International Conference on Business, Economics and Management (BEM-25) Newcastle, Australia
31st July International Conference on E-Business and Business Management (ICEBBM-25) Newcastle, Australia
31st July International Conference on Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ICSEI-25) Melbourne, Australia
Date Name of Conference Venue
1st August International Conference on Geometry and Algebra in Optimization (ICGAIO-25) Brisbane, Australia
1st August International Conference on Advances in Pure & Applied Mathematics (ICAPAM-25) Brisbane, Australia
1st August International Conference on Environmental Quality, Management and Protection (ICEQMP-25) Melbourne, Australia
1st August International Conference on Social and Business Environment (ICSBE-25) Melbourne, Australia
2nd August International Conference on Application of Innovative Technologies for Improved Food Quality and Safety (ICAITIFQS-25) Adelaide, Australia
2nd August International Conference on Food Safety and Food Hygiene (ICFSFH-25) Adelaide, Australia
4th August International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICARHU-25) Sydney, Australia
4th August International Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology  (ICNST-25) Perth, Australia
4th August International Conference on Administrative and Public Studies (ICAAPUBS-25) Newcastle, Australia
4th August International Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Amorphous Metals (ICCPAM-25) Perth, Australia
4th August International Conference on Textile Engineering and Applied Arts  (ICTEAA-25) Sydney, Australia
4th August International Conference on African and Latin American Studies (ICALAS -25) Newcastle, Australia
5th August International Conference on Quantum Control Engineering, Statistics and Analysis (ICQCESA-25) Melbourne, Australia
5th August International Conference on Operations Research, Statistics and Industrial Engineering (ICORSIE-25) Melbourne, Australia
6th August International Conference on Digital American Literature (ICDAL -25) Newcastle, Australia
6th August International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Newcastle, Australia
7th August International Conference on Tourism Social Science (ICOTSS-25) Melbourne, Australia
7th August International Conference on Social Processes and Social Change (ICSPSC-25) Melbourne, Australia
8th August World Chinese Medicine, Yoga & Mental Health Congress (WCMYMHC-25) Sydney, Australia
8th August International Conference on Clinical Nutrition (ICCN-25) Sydney, Australia
9th August International Conference On Biomedical Polymers & Polymeric Biomaterials (ICBPPB-25) Perth, Australia
9th August International Conference on Bio-based Polymers and Composites (ICBBPC-25) Perth, Australia
11th August International Conference on African Philosophy (ICAPHY-25) Adelaide, Australia
11th August International Conference on Cinema, Film and Media Studies  (ICCFMS-25) Melbourne, Australia
11th August International Conference on Film Studies (ICFS-25) Melbourne, Australia
11th August International Conference on Religion and Religious Studies (ICRRS -25) Adelaide, Australia
12th August International Conference on Palliative and Supportive Care (ICPSC-25) Sydney, Australia
12th August International Conference on Palliative Care and Pain Management, Treatment and Care (ICPCPMTC-25) Sydney, Australia
13th August International Conference on Agriculture, Animal and Aquaculture Engineering  (ICAAAE-25) Brisbane, Australia
13th August International Conference on Domestic Violence (ICODV-25) Sydney, Australia
13th August International Conference on Religious Violence (ICRV-25) Sydney, Australia
13th August International Conference on Sustainable Agricultural and Environmental Development  (ICSAED-25) Brisbane, Australia
15th August International Conference on Information Technology for Higher Education (ICITHE-25) Sydney, Australia
15th August International Conference on Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Pediatric Nutrition (ICGHPN-25) Melbourne, Australia
15th August International Metabolic Diseases and Liver Cancer Conference (IMDLCC-25) Melbourne, Australia
15th August International Conference on Quality and Equity in Higher Education (ICQEHE-25) Sydney, Australia
18th August International Conference on Advance Banking (ICADBA-25) Adelaide, Australia
18th August International Conference on African Philosophical Thought (ICAPTH -25) Sydney, Australia
18th August International Conference on African Philosophy and Studies (ICAPST -25) Sydney, Australia
18th August International Conference on Computational Finance, Methods and Applications (ICCFMA-25) Adelaide, Australia
19th August International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology (ICGTGY-25) Melbourne, Australia
19th August International Conference on Aging, Gerontology & Geriatric Nursing (ICAGGN-25) Melbourne, Australia
20th August International Conference on Digital American Literature (ICDAL -25) Melbourne, Australia
20th August International Conference on Cardiology and Medical Researches (ICCMR-25) Perth, Australia
20th August International Conference on American Literature and Comics (ICALCO-25) Melbourne, Australia
20th August International Conference on Government Financial Management (ICGFM-25) Brisbane, Australia
20th August International Conference on High-Level Radioactive Waste Management (ICHLRWM-25) Brisbane, Australia
20th August International Conference on Advances in Clinical Cardiology (ICOACC-25) Perth, Australia
21st August International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Melbourne, Australia
21st August International Conference on Curriculum and Teacher Education (ICCTE -25) Melbourne, Australia
22nd August International Conference on General Practice and Family Medicine (ICGPFM-25) Sydney, Australia
22nd August International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics (ICELL-25) Adelaide, Australia
22nd August International Conference on Cancer Treatment in Pediatrics (ICCTP-25) Sydney, Australia
22nd August International Conference on English Learning and Teaching (ICELT-25) Adelaide, Australia
23rd August International Conference on Islamic Education and Research (ICIER-25) Brisbane, Australia
23rd August International Conference on Halal Tourism and Islamic Tourism (ICHTIT-25) Brisbane, Australia
25th August International Conference on Business, Accounting, Financial, Marketing and Management Analytics (ICBAFMMA -25) Darwin, Australia
25th August International Conference on Modern African Philosophy (ICOMAP -25) Perth, Australia
25th August International Conference on Accounting (ICA-25) Darwin, Australia
25th August International Conference on Religion and Religious Studies (ICRRS -25) Perth, Australia
25th August International Conference on Mechanical, Mechatronics, Robotics and Aerospace Engineering (ICMMRAE-25) Melbourne, Australia
25th August International Conference on Environment Science and Engineering  (ICESE-25) Melbourne, Australia
27th August International Conference on Suicide Terrorism Studies (ICSTS -25) Sydney, Australia
27th August International Conference on Security Studies (ICSS -25) Sydney, Australia
28th August International Conference on Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICTIEM-25) Melbourne, Australia
28th August International Conference on Local Tourism Activities and Tourism Statistics (ICLTATS-25) Brisbane, Australia
28th August International Conference on Mathematics, Probability and Statistics (ICOMPS-25) Brisbane, Australia
28th August International Conference on Business Data Analytics and Digital Business (ICBDADB -25) Newcastle, Australia
28th August Internaional conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEABM-25) Melbourne, Australia
28th August International conference on Society for Business Ethics (ICSFBE-25) Newcastle, Australia
29th August International Conference on Global Psychology Society (ICGPS-25) Sydney, Australia
29th August International Conference on Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (ICPRS-25) Sydney, Australia
30th August International Conference on Linguistics and Discourse Prosody (ICLDP-25) Adelaide, Australia
30th August International Conference on Computational Economics, Statistics and Econometrics (ICCESE-25) Sydney, Australia
30th August International Conference on Sport Statistics and Performance Analysis (ICSSPA-25) Sydney, Australia
30th August International Conference on Discourse Studies (ICDS-25) Adelaide, Australia