Upcoming conferences

Date Name of Conferences Venue

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Date Name of Conference Venue
1st January International Conference on Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Sciences (ICAVLS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
1st January International Conference on Agricultural Pollution Control, Waste Management and Environment (ICAPCWME-25) Salta, Argentina
1st January International Conference on Environmental Biotechnology and Food Security (ICEBFS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
1st January International Conference on Sustainable Energy Systems and Waste Management (ICSESWM-25) Salta, Argentina
2nd January International Conference on Southeast European Studies (ICOSES -25) Rosario, Argentina
2nd January International Conference on European Law and Vaccine Policy (ICELVP -25) Rosario, Argentina
4th January International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and System Analysis (ICMESA-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
4th January International Conference on Agroforestry: Forestry and Agriculture (ICAFA-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
4th January International Conference on Agricultural, Genetics, Biological & Environmental Sciences (ICAGBES-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
4th January International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing (ICSIM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
7th January World Congress on Nursing Education & Research (WCNER-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
7th January International Conference on Clinical Nursing and Nursing Care (ICCNNC-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
9th January International Conference on European History and Society (ICEHAS -25) Salta, Argentina
9th January International Conference on German and European Studies (ICGAES -25) Salta, Argentina
13th January World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
13th January International Conference on Economics of Transportation (ICETSP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
15th January International Conference on Cardiology and Medical Researches (ICCMR-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
15th January World Heart and Brain Conference (WHBC-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
16th January International Conference on Information Science and Cloud Computing (ICISCC-25) Rosario, Argentina
16th January International Conference on Simulation Modeling, Electronic Information Science and Technology  (ICSEIST-25) Rosario, Argentina
16th January International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Santa Fe, Argentina
16th January International Conference on Online Learning and Teaching (ICOLT-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
17th January International Conference on Sport Science and Youth Sport (ICSSYS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
17th January International Conference on Family Law and Childrens Rights (ICFLACR-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
20th January International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences (ICAMCS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
20th January International Conference on Mathematical Sciences & Computer Engineering (ICMSCE-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st January International Conference on Human Centered Actuators and Electro-Mechanical Actuators in Healthcare (ICHCAEMAH -25) Salta, Argentina
21st January International Conference on Global Marketing and Trade (ICGMT-25) Salta, Argentina
23rd January International Conference on Economics and Business Management  (ICEBM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
23rd January International Conference on Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (ICBESR -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
27th January International Conference on Distance Education and Language Learning Innovations (ICDELLI-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
27th January International Conference on Banking, Accounting and Finance (ICBAF-25) Rosario, Argentina
27th January International Conference on Education, Distance Education, Instructional and Educational Technology (ICEDEIET-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
27th January International Conference on Finance and Accounting (ICFA-25) Rosario, Argentina
30th January International Conference on Southeast European Studies (ICOSES -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
30th January International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
30th January International Conference on European Intellectual History (ICEIH -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
30th January International Conference on Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science (ICMSAS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date Name of Conference Venue
1st February International Conference on Environment and Life Science  (ICELS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
1st February International Conference on Linguistics and Discourse Prosody (ICLDP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
3rd February International Conference on Media and Film Studies (ICMFS-25) Salta, Argentina
3rd February International Conference on Cinema, Film and Media Studies  (ICCFMS-25) Salta, Argentina
5th February International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Energy and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAIEME-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
5th February International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (ICAINN-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
7th February International Conference on Childhood Depression and Family Interaction Patterns (ICCDFIP -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
7th February International Conference on Advances in General Pediatrics and Pediatric Immunology (ICAGPPI-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
12th February International Conference on Education, Learning and Management  (ICELM-25) Formosa, Argentina
13th February International Conference on Human Geography and Urban Studies (ICHGUS-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
13th February International Conference on Biological Physics for the Health and Life Sciences (ICBPHLS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
13th February International Conference on Urban Landscape Infrastructures (ICULI -25) Santa Fe, Argentina
13th February International Conference on Emerging Trends in Agriculture, Veterinary and Life Sciences (ICETAVLS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
14th February International Conference on Pharmacy and Pharmacology Science  (ICPAPSC-25) Salta, Argentina
14th February International Conference on Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Sciences (ICMPS-25) Salta, Argentina
15th February International Conference on Advances in Animal Anatomy and Anatomical Preservation (ICAAAAP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
15th February International Conference on Advances in Animal Anatomy and Wild Animals (ICAAAWA-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
18th February International Conference on Psychology of Religion and Spirituality (ICPRS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
18th February International Conference on Anthropological and Sociological Sciences (ICASS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
20th February International Conference on Tourism Statistics and Data Sources (ICTSDS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
20th February International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Number Theory (ICGCNT-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st February International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (ICOHTAFF-25) Rosario, Argentina
21st February International Conference on Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics (ICFMHTT -25) Rosario, Argentina
22nd February International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (ICCHNT -25) Salta, Argentina
22nd February International Conference on Heritage Tourism and Cultural Heritage Assessment (ICHTCHA-25) Salta, Argentina
24th February International Conference on Statistical Finance and Applications (ICSFA-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
24th February International Conference on Economics and Business Management  (ICEBM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
26th February International Conference on Cardiology and Healthcare (ICCAHE-25) Rosario, Argentina
26th February International Conference on Clinical Cardiology, Heart Diseases, Symptoms and Types (ICCHDST-25) Rosario, Argentina
27th February International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
27th February International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
28th February World Symposium on Language and Sustainability (WSLS-25) Mendoza, Argentina
28th February International Conference on Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology (ICBOMB-25) Rosario, Argentina
28th February International Conference on Marine Resources Conservation and Human Impacts (ICMRCHI-25) Rosario, Argentina
28th February International Conference on Special Needs Education, Teaching and Different Approaches (ICSNETDA-25) Mendoza, Argentina
Date Name of Conference Venue
5th March International Conference on Contemporary American Philosophy (ICOCAP -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
5th March International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology  (ICEIT-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
5th March International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Management Studies, Leadership and Practice (ICEPSMSLP -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
6th March International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health Studies (ICOSHS-25) Salta, Argentina
6th March International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (IC-TEL-25) Rosario, Argentina
6th March International Conference on Public Health and Occupational Medicine (ICPHOM-25) Salta, Argentina
6th March International Conference on New Trends in Education: Teaching, learning and Technology (TLT-25) Rosario, Argentina
7th March International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics (ICELL-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
7th March International Conference on English Learning and Teaching (ICELT-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
10th March International Conference on Distance Learning and Online Education Technologies (ICDLOET-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
10th March International Conference on Distance Education and Online Courses (ICDEOC-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
10th March International Conference on Advanced Chemistry of Energetic Materials (ICACEM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
15th March International Conference on Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Management (ICMSCHM -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
15th March International Conference on Green Manufacturing and Product Design (ICGMPD-25) Formosa, Argentina
15th March International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Energy and Manufacturing Engineering (ICAIEME-25) Formosa, Argentina
15th March International Conference on Museums Heritage Conservation (ICMHC-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
17th March International Conference on Management Accountant (ICMA-25) Rosario, Argentina
17th March International Conference on Management, Accounting, Banking, Economics and Business Research (ICMABEBR-25) Rosario, Argentina
18th March International Conference on Advances in Cell Biology (ICACB-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
18th March International Conference on Regulators of Autophagy and Cell Biology (ICRACB-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st March International Conference on Electrical and Power Electronics  (ICEPE-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st March International Conference on Electrical Power Systems Engineering (ICEPSE-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
24th March International Conference on Chemistry of Fullerene Materials (ICCFM-25) Mendoza, Argentina
24th March International Conference on Applied Biological Psychology (ICABP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
24th March International Conference on Physical Anthropology and Primate Evolution (ICPAPE-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
24th March International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Cold Molecules (ICPCCM-25) Mendoza, Argentina
26th March International Conference on Higher Education Administration and Leadership  (ICHEAL-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
26th March International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management (ICLTIM-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
26th March International Conference on Education, Learning and Management  (ICELM-25) Rosario, Argentina
27th March International Conference on Urban Studies, Planning and Development (ICUSPD-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
27th March International Conference on Sustainable Architecture, Planning and Urban Design Studies (ICSAPUDS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
28th March International Conference on Developments in Evidence-Based Education (ICDEBEDU-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
28th March International Conference on Evidence-Based Educational Methods and Models (ICEBEMM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
29th March International Conference on Roman Catholic Church and Christianity (ICRCCC-25) Salta, Argentina
29th March International Conference on Islamic Theology, Philosophy and Law  (ICITPL-25) Salta, Argentina
Date Name of Conference Venue
2nd April International Conference on American Literature and Comics (ICALCO-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
2nd April International Conference on Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ICLACS -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
2nd April International Conference on Education, Learning and Management  (ICELM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
3rd April International Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning (ICDTL-25) Rosario, Argentina
3rd April International Conference on Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health (ICESOH-25) Salta, Argentina
3rd April International Conference on Teaching, Education & Learning (IC-TEL-25) Rosario, Argentina
3rd April International Conference on Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health (ICESOH-25) Salta, Argentina
11th April International Conference on English Learning and Teaching (ICELT-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
11th April International Conference on English Learning and Teaching (ICELT-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
14th April International Conference on Advanced Chemistry of Energetic Materials (ICACEM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
14th April International Conference on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (ICABC-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
14th April International Conference on Distance Education and Educational Technology (ICDEET-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
14th April International Conference on Distance Education and Online Courses (ICDEOC-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
15th April International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Biology (ICOCMB-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
15th April International Conference on Cell Science, Stem Cell Biology and Therapeutics (ICCSSCBT-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
18th April International Conference on Electrical and Power Electronics  (ICEPE-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
18th April International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology (ICSET-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
19th April International Conference on Manufacturing System (ICMSYS-25) Formosa, Argentina
19th April International Conference on Green Manufacturing and Product Design (ICGMPD-25) Formosa, Argentina
19th April International Conference on Defence Sites: Heritage and Future (ICDSHF-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
19th April International Conference on Ecotourism Activities and Cultural Heritage Conservation (ICEACHC -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st April International Conference on Forest Products Marketing and Accounting (ICFPMA-25) Rosario, Argentina
21st April International Conference on Management Accountant (ICMA-25) Rosario, Argentina
23rd April International Conference on Higher Education Leadership and Management  (ICHELM-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
23rd April International Conference on Sport Psychology, Leadership and Coaching (ICSPLC-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
23rd April International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology  (ICEIT-25) Rosario, Argentina
23rd April International Conference on Education, Learning and Management  (ICELM-25) Rosario, Argentina
24th April International Conference on Urban Development Studies (ICUDS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
24th April International Conference on Urban Studies and Geospatial Big Data (ICUSGBD-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
25th April International Conference on Security Studies (IC-SS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
25th April International Conference on Evidence-Based Educational Methods and Models (ICEBEMM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
28th April International Conference on Amorphous Metals in Chemistry (ICAMIC-25) Mendoza, Argentina
28th April International Conference on Physical Anthropology and Primate Evolution (ICPAPE-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
28th April International Conference on Public Health and Social Justice (ICPHSJ-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
28th April International Conference on Chemistry of Fullerene Materials (ICCFM-25) Mendoza, Argentina
30th April International Conference on Technology, Education and Development  (ICTED-25) Salta, Argentina
30th April International Conference on Circular Economy and Bioeconomy (ICCEB -25) Salta, Argentina
Date Name of Conference Venue
1st May International Conference on Europeanization, Westernization and European Union (ICEWEU -25) Rosario, Argentina
1st May International Conference on European Law and Vaccine Policy (ICELVP -25) Rosario, Argentina
3rd May International Conference on Remanufacturing Engineering and Processes (ICREP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
3rd May International Conference on Forestry and Forest Engineering (ICOFFE-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
3rd May International Conference on Ecology, Agriculture and Forestry (ICEAF-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
3rd May International Conference on Manufacturing Models and Methods (ICMMM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
6th May International Conference on Cancer Nursing and Cancer (ICCNAC-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
6th May International Conference on Clinical Nursing and Nursing Care (ICCNNC-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
7th May International Conference on Agriculture and Tourism (ICAT-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
7th May International Conference on Sustainable Energy Systems and Waste Management (ICSESWM-25) Salta, Argentina
7th May International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food, Food Sciences and Technologies (ICAF3T-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
7th May International Conference on Biomedical Waste Management and Recycling Process (ICBWMRP-25) Salta, Argentina
8th May International Conference on German and European Studies (ICGAES -25) Salta, Argentina
8th May International Conference on Democracy and European Law Analysis (ICDELA -25) Salta, Argentina
12th May International Conference on Economics of Transportation (ICETSP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
12th May International Conference on Transport and Road Research (ICTRR-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
15th May International Conference on Information Science and Cloud Computing (ICISCC-25) Rosario, Argentina
15th May International Conference on Teacher Education and Educators (ICTEE -25) Santa Fe, Argentina
15th May International Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management (ICISTM-25) Rosario, Argentina
15th May International Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning (ICDTL-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
16th May International Conference on Sport Science and Youth Sport (ICSSYS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
16th May International Conference on Developmental Physical Education for Children and Youth (ICDPECY-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
19th May International Conference on Applied and Practical Sciences (ICAPPRSC-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
19th May International Conference on Mathematical Applications (ICMATAP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
20th May International Conference on Global Marketing and Trade (ICGMT-25) Salta, Argentina
20th May International Conference on Organization Behavior and Human Resource Management (ICOBHRM-25) Salta, Argentina
21st May International Conference on Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology (ICBCN-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st May International Conference on Sports Neurology (ICSN-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
22nd May International Conference on Economics and Business Management  (ICEBM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
22nd May International Conference on Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (ICBESR -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
26th May International Conference on Finance and Accounting (ICFA-25) Rosario, Argentina
26th May International Conference on Education, Distance Education, Instructional and Educational Technology (ICEDEIET-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
26th May International Conference on Education Sciences, Distance Education and Educational Technology (ICESDEET-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
26th May International Conference on Banking, Accounting and Finance (ICBAF-25) Rosario, Argentina
29th May International Conference on European Intellectual History (ICEIH -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
29th May International Conference on European Politics (ICEUPOL-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
29th May International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (ICMMS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
29th May International Conference on Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science (ICMSAS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Date Name of Conference Venue
4th June International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Management Studies, Leadership and Practice (ICEPSMSLP -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
4th June International Conference on American Literature and Comics (ICALCO-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
5th June International Conference on Teaching and Education Sciences  (ICTES-25) Rosario, Argentina
5th June International Conference on Occupational Health and Safety (ICOHS-25) Salta, Argentina
5th June International Conference on Occupational Therapy (ICOT-25) Salta, Argentina
5th June International Conference on New Trends in Education: Teaching, learning and Technology (TLT-25) Rosario, Argentina
6th June International Conference on English Learning and Teaching (ICELT-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
6th June International Conference on English Studies, Women Empowerment, Education & Social Sciences (ICESWEESS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
9th June International Conference on Advances in Radiation Chemistry and Physics (ICARCP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
9th June International Conference on Distance Education and Language Learning Innovations (ICDELLI-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
9th June International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Distance Education (ICLLDE-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
9th June International Conference on Clinical Neuro Chemistry and Neuro Anatomy (ICCNCNA-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
16th June International Conference on Business, Economics, Finance, and Management  (ICBEFM-25) Rosario, Argentina
16th June International Conference on Management Accountant (ICMA-25) Rosario, Argentina
17th June International Conference on Biology (ICOB-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
17th June International Conference on Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology (ICSCRB-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
20th June International Conference on Engineering (ICOE-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
20th June International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Engineering  (ICCARVE-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st June International Conference on Cultural Heritage Management, Heritage Curation and Interpretation (ICCHMHCI -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st June International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and System Analysis (ICMESA-25) Formosa, Argentina
21st June International Conference on Islamic Architecture and Heritage (ICIAH -25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
21st June International Conference on Manufacturing Models and Methods (ICMMM-25) Formosa, Argentina
23rd June International Conference on Public Healthcare Policy (ICPHP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
23rd June International Conference on Public Health, Malnutrition and Hospital Malnutrition (ICPHMHM-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
23rd June International Conference on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (ICABC-25) Mendoza, Argentina
23rd June International Conference on Chemistry (ICOCH-25) Mendoza, Argentina
25th June International Conference on Defense Studies and Leadership (ICDSL-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
25th June International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology  (ICEIT-25) Rosario, Argentina
25th June World congress on Nursing Leadership & Management (WCNLM-25) Santa Fe, Argentina
26th June International Conference on Urban Anthropology and Cultural Systems Studies (ICUACSS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
26th June International Conference on Sustainable Architecture, Planning and Urban Design Studies (ICSAPUDS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
27th June International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Leadership Training and Practice (ICEPSLTP-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina
27th June International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science (ICPESS-25) Buenos Aires, Argentina