International Conference on Science, Culture and Society

19th - 20th August 2025,
Mutare, Zimbabwe

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


20th July 2025

Final Paper Submission

25th July`2025

Registration Deadline

4th August`2025

Conference Date

19th - 20th August 2025,

Call For Paper

Anthropology, cultural development and ethics
Communicating Science
Conflict, Crime and Justice
Contemporary Philosophy
Creativity, Innovation and Invention
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural studies of science and technology
Culture and Cognitive Science
Education, Culture and Society
History of Science, Technology and Industry
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and Medicine
Interaction of scientific and cultural development
Knowledge economies and knowledge societies
Language, Philosophy and Culture
Life Sciences, Ethics and Living Environments
Organizational structure of scientific institutions
Philosophy and the Sciences
Philosophy Culture and Vision
Philosophy of culture and axiology
Philosophy of Culture, Language and Society
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of science
Philosophy, Culture and Society
Politics, Culture, and Society
Religion, Culture and Society
Science and Policy
Science and technology studies
Science in contemporary culture
Science, Politics and Human Identity