International Conference on Economics and Social History

10th - 11th July 2025,
Melbourne, Australia

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


10th June 2025

Final Paper Submission

15th June`2025

Registration Deadline

25th June`2025

Conference Date

10th - 11th July 2025,

Call For Paper

Social history
Global, local and transnational approaches
Political cultures, policy and citizenship
Narratives, ideologies and beliefs
Self, senses and emotions
Deviance, inclusion and exclusion
Economies, culture and consumption
Life cycles, families and communities
Criminal justice
Education and childhood – elites and forerunners
Ethnicity and migration
Family and demography
Health and environment
Latin America
Material and consumer culture
Middle ages
Politics, citizenship and nations
Social inequality
Spatial and digital history
Science and technology
Women and gender
World history