International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Statistics

6th - 7th June 2025,
Mutare, Zimbabwe

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


7th May 2025

Final Paper Submission

12th May`2025

Registration Deadline

22nd May`2025

Conference Date

6th - 7th June 2025,

Call For Paper

Engineering mathematics
Ordinary and partial differential equations
Integral equations
Variational and functional-analytical methods
Numerical analysis
Computational methods
Applied fields
Continuum mechanics
Stability theory
Wave propagation
Heat and mass transfer
Free-boundary problems
Fluid mechanics
Aero- and hydrodynamics
Boundary layers
Shock waves
Fluid machinery
Fluid-structure interactions
Convection and combustion
Acoustics and multiphase flows
Transition and turbulence
Creeping flow, rheology and porous-media flows
Ocean and atmospheric engineering
Solid mechanics