International Conference on Computing Theory and Applications

21st - 22nd May 2025,
San Antonio, USA

Quality articles will be published in well reputed journals like Scopus Indexed or Web of Science **


21st April 2025

Final Paper Submission

26th April`2025

Registration Deadline

6th May`2025

Conference Date

21st - 22nd May 2025,

Call For Paper

Ad hoc and sensor networks
Algorithmic cad for vlsi nanotechnology
Algorithms and data structures
Approximation and randomized algorithms
Combinatorial optimization
Computational biology
Computational geometry
Embedded systems and fpgas
Experimental algorithm methodologies
Graph algorithms
High performance computing
Low power design
Mobile and wireless computing
Network topology
Physical design
Parallel and distributed algorithms
Synthesis for quantum computing
Testing and testability
Feature selection/extraction
Support Vector Machines
Uncertainty analysis
Artificial Neural Networks
Case Based Reasoning